1. Matlab Functions Plot
  2. Matlab Function Pdf
  3. Matlab Functions Pdf File
  4. Matlab For Engineers Pdf
  1. Run Functions in the Editor. This example shows how to run a function that requires some initial setup, such as input argument values, while working in the Editor. Types of Functions. There are several types of functions available with MATLAB ®, including local functions, nested functions, private functions, and anonymous functions.
  2. MATLAB Commands – 1 MATLAB Commands and Functions Dr. Brian Vick Mechanical Engineering Department Virginia Tech General Purpose Commands Operators and Special Characters / 3.
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A BRIEF LIST OF MATLAB COMMANDS Some Basic Commands (Note command syntax is case-sensitive!) matlab loads the program matlab into your workspace. Quit quits matlab, returning you to the operating system. Exit same as quit. Who lists all of the variables in your matlab workspace. Introduction to MATLAB for Engineering Students' is a document for an introductory course in MATLAB°R 1 and technical computing. It is used for freshmen classes at North-western University. This document is not a comprehensive introduction or a reference man-ual. Instead, it focuses on the speciflc features of MATLAB that are useful for. Don't show me this again. This is one of over 2,200 courses on OCW. Find materials for this course in the pages linked along the left. MIT OpenCourseWare is a free & open publication of material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum.

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A function is a group of statements that together perform a task. In MATLAB, functions are defined in separate files. The name of the file and of the function should be the same.

Functions operate on variables within their own workspace, which is also called the local workspace, separate from the workspace you access at the MATLAB command prompt which is called the base workspace.

Functions can accept more than one input arguments and may return more than one output arguments.

Syntax of a function statement is −


The following function named mymax should be written in a file named mymax.m. It takes five numbers as argument and returns the maximum of the numbers.

Create a function file, named mymax.m and type the following code in it −

The first line of a function starts with the keyword function. It gives the name of the function and order of arguments. In our example, the mymax function has five input arguments and one output argument.

The comment lines that come right after the function statement provide the help text. These lines are printed when you type −

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −

You can call the function as −

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −

Anonymous Functions

An anonymous function is like an inline function in traditional programming languages, defined within a single MATLAB statement. It consists of a single MATLAB expression and any number of input and output arguments.

You can define an anonymous function right at the MATLAB command line or within a function or script.

This way you can create simple functions without having to create a file for them.

Matlab Functions Plot

The syntax for creating an anonymous function from an expression is

Matlab Functions Pdf


In this example, we will write an anonymous function named power, which will take two numbers as input and return first number raised to the power of the second number.

Create a script file and type the following code in it −

When you run the file, it displays −

Primary and Sub-Functions

Any function other than an anonymous function must be defined within a file. Each function file contains a required primary function that appears first and any number of optional sub-functions that comes after the primary function and used by it.

Primary functions can be called from outside of the file that defines them, either from command line or from other functions, but sub-functions cannot be called from command line or other functions, outside the function file.

Sub-functions are visible only to the primary function and other sub-functions within the function file that defines them.



Let us write a function named quadratic that would calculate the roots of a quadratic equation. The function would take three inputs, the quadratic co-efficient, the linear co-efficient and the constant term. It would return the roots.

The function file quadratic.m will contain the primary function quadratic and the sub-function disc, which calculates the discriminant.

Create a function file quadratic.m and type the following code in it −

You can call the above function from command prompt as −

Matlab Function Pdf

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −

Nested Functions

You can define functions within the body of another function. These are called nested functions. A nested function contains any or all of the components of any other function.

Nested functions are defined within the scope of another function and they share access to the containing function's workspace.

A nested function follows the following syntax −


Let us rewrite the function quadratic, from previous example, however, this time the disc function will be a nested function.

Create a function file quadratic2.m and type the following code in it −

You can call the above function from command prompt as −

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −

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Private Functions

A private function is a primary function that is visible only to a limited group of other functions. If you do not want to expose the implementation of a function(s), you can create them as private functions.

Private functions reside in subfolders with the special name private.

They are visible only to functions in the parent folder. Electrical apprenticeship programs nyc.


Let us rewrite the quadratic function. This time, however, the disc function calculating the discriminant, will be a private function.

Create a subfolder named private in working directory. Store the following function file disc.m in it −

Create a function quadratic3.m in your working directory and type the following code in it −

Matlab Functions Pdf File

You can call the above function from command prompt as −

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −

Global Variables

Matlab For Engineers Pdf

Global variables can be shared by more than one function. For this, you need to declare the variable as global in all the functions.

If you want to access that variable from the base workspace, then declare the variable at the command line.

The global declaration must occur before the variable is actually used in a function. It is a good practice to use capital letters for the names of global variables to distinguish them from other variables.


Let us create a function file named average.m and type the following code in it − Skil cordless screwdriver battery pack.

Create a script file and type the following code in it −

When you run the file, it will display the following result −